Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rick Riordan Books

The House of Hades is a book written by Rick Riordan.  So far The House of Hades is my  favorite!! The new one The Blood of Olympus is coming out October 7th 2014. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!  I've read another series by Rick Riordan; The Kane Chronicles. Just so you know you can't click to learn more on the pictures that is a boo-boo.   I love these books because I enjoy adventurous and mystery books. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

We had to sell buddy :(

Since we live in Texas there are a lot of bugs and I mean a lot! So we are going to get some guineas this summer but Buddy is a bird dog so we had to get rid of him because he'll eat them, (we had the experience last summer he ate 5 of the six, the sixth bird was probably killed by a raccoon?) so he went to his new home on Saturday.  It was really hard on everybody but he is having a great time, and he has a new chew toy that I bet he loves it to death!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fall 2013: in Texas

The Fall in Texas is very beautiful!  The colors start changing in the middle of October.  the green, red, orange, and yellow colors mixed together are so beautiful when you're driving by in the country.  I live on a farm and there are a lot of trees around the yard.  We (my sisters and I) make a lot of BIG piles.  If you get all the leaves on the trees (we have about 50 trees in the yard) we could probably make the biggest pile of leaves in the U.S.A.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Buddy: the dog

When we got Buddy he was scared of almost everything.  It took a while for him to get used to everything.  When he did, he ran everywhere and sometimes disappeared from view.  He loves to chew everything.  He also likes to jump up on us!  A few days ago we found him chewing a turtle shell, with a turtle alive in the shell.  Today he was down, sorta by the garden, barking with his nose to the ground.  When he came up to the porch, he brought a freshly dead field mouse.  He loves us and we love him, even when he brings and does nasty stuff. :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Starting School

We started school on September 9th, 2013.  It's home-school not "regular" school, so almost all of my classes are with my sisters.  I'm doing Spanish, math, history, science, grammar, algebra, penmanship, etc. I'm in seventh grade, (I'm only eleven but I am turning twelve in January).  I like math, history, and science. I am really good at math (that's why I am in seventh grade) and memorizing stuff (books, math, etc.,).  I really want to learn how to sew and gardening.  My Mom is my teacher and the very best one I have had since I went to school!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Freakey Fast Frankie Joe

Freaky Fast Frankie Joe, by Lutricia Clifton, is about a boy who goes to live with his Dad whom he's never met.  Frankie Joe doesn't like it there so he plans to run away, but things don't turn out the way he planned! Read the book and find out!

What I like about this book is that it is suspenseful.  I kept reading to find out what was going to happen.  The friends he meets are oddballs like him which adds to the fun and mysteriousness of the story.
                  ***** (5 stars)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My New Reading Glasses

I got new glasses Feb.14, 2012.  It was super exciting!!  I use them to read because  I'm near sided.  There really neat!

So if you wear any type of glasses, it's O.K, were just unique.

I bet your glasses are cool as mine.   My glasses design: brown, half rim.